The Poodle is a breed of dog with curly, soft coat, long legs and high intelligence. These dogs come in a variety of colors, from black to red. It is generally accepted that poodles are easy to train, they get along remarkably well with children and easily socialize in unfamiliar surroundings. There are five varieties of poodles, which differ in their size.
The largest member of this family. This dog is less energetic than all his other relatives. The height of a large poodle is at least 38 cm at the withers, and its weight can vary from 20 to 32 kg. Like all other poodles, this species is the safest, these dogs are the least likely to cause allergic reactions, and therefore, do not create much trouble for their owners. They are often cut.
These dogs have been recognized as a separate breed by the American Kennel Club. They are very similar to large poodles, the only difference is their smaller size and higher mobility, and accordingly, these dogs require more exercise and attention. Small poodles grow up to 27-38 cm, and their weight can range from 6 to 8 kilograms. Dogs are easily trainable, this is the reason that we meet this breed more often than others in various circus performances. Their owners often use various hairpins and hair clips during exhibitions, although this is not required.
Another breed recognized by the American Kennel Club. These dogs are even smaller than small poodles. Their height does not even reach 26 centimeters, this factor is decisive for this breed. They weigh, as a rule, 2.5 - 4 kilograms. Like other poodles, these dogs are smart and active, they are easy to train, they are madly in love with people and children, and therefore, being alone is a real punishment for them.
The Miniature Poodle and the Pickup Poodle are two varieties of this dog breed that are not recognized as a separate breed by the American Kennel Club. Although, in fairness, we note that some European dog clubs have recognized these dogs as an independent breed, and the pygmy poodle is recognized as a separate breed by the Association of American Kennel Clubs.
A pickup poodle looks like a toy dog. Tikapov are bred in order to achieve super small sizes. Because of this, these dogs are at risk for genetic problems. A miniature poodle can reach a height of 35 cm, and its weight ranges from 3 to 7 kilograms. The height of a pick-up poodle does not even reach 25 centimeters, and the average weight is less than 2.5 kilograms.